C/O Gerd

Lingonberry Clear Skin Oil - 30 ML


Product Details

Experience Balanced, Clear Skin with Lingonberry Clear Skin Oil by C/O Gerd Unveil the ultimate solution for acne-prone, unbalanced skin with our Lingonberry Clear Skin Oil by C/O Gerd. This oil combines safflower, borage, rosehip seed, and lingonberry seed oils to restore harmony to your complexion. Ingredients: Safflower Oil Jojoba Oil Borage Oil Rosehip Seed Oil Lingonberry Seed Oil Vitamin E Rosemary Antioxidant Essential Oils: Lemon, Bergamot, Lavender, Tea Tree Natural Essential Oil Ingredients: Limonene, Citral, Linalool, Geraniol Application is easy: massage a small amount into your skin morning and evening, or use it as a base for your day and night cream. Elevate your skincare with C/O Gerd's Lingonberry Clear Skin Oil for radiant, balanced skin.