Hi Cacti

Small Smooth Tumbled Rose Quartz with Holistic Combo of White Sage and Palo Santo


Product Details

A selection of everyone’s favourite holistic classics. In this combo you will receive 1x Palo Santo Stick, 1x Small White Sage Bundle and 1 x Crystal of your choice & cards explaining ways to use each item. Palo Santo: ’Holy Stick’ is an aromatic natural wood incense used ritually for centuries by Incas & indigenous people of the Andes, South America. An ancient spiritual plant used to bless, cleanse & purify objects & spaces by combining elemental energies of fire/ flame, earth/ plant & air/ smoke. Used to raise vibrations, clear negativity & bring in positive energy as a grounding, relaxing & healing plant medicine. This medicinal smoke is antiseptic, antibacterial & anti microbial purifying air of nasties like bacteria & viruses. Sage: Smudging this sacred plant medicine ritualistically promotes healing, wisdom, relaxation, grounding, boosts brain, improves mood & ignites intuition. This medicinal smoke is antiseptic, antibacterial & antimicrobial purifying air of bacteria, viruses & fungi. To ‘smudge’, light end of a sustainably sourced stick or sage bundle holding at an angle & let burn for 30 seconds to 1 minute (sage only needs to burn for approximately 20 seconds). Blow out flame & wave stick around until its restful scent fills the space or sit stick on heat proof dish & let smoke.