Pols Potten

Ceramic Vase YourTube


Product Details

The YourTube vase is unique and completely open for self-interpretation. It’ll turn heads, evoke curiosity, and pose questions to its admirers. The Yourtube Vase will serve as a modern statement piece as much as it is a retro addition to your space. Ø20 x H37 cm Ceramic Important: Please note that colors on product photos, as well as their textual description are subjective. Individual perception of color depends on personal preferences and light sources at the buyer's place. Wichtig: Bitte beachten Sie, dass Farben auf Produktfotos, sowie deren textliche Beschreibung subjektiv sind. Der individuelle Farbeindruck hängt vom persönlichen Empfinden und der Lichtsituation beim Käufer ab.