
M Sakura Japanese Tote Bag


Product Details

Shupatto tote bag is to be carried with you day in and day out, it will fit almost anywhere with it's compact design. The medium size tote bag is for all your essentials, creates an easy and smooth shopping experience. Simply shake the tote bag open whenever you need it. With the Pull+Roll action, Shupatto tote bag packs away like magic, farewell to sorting 100s of eco bags in your car boot. Try it today! Save time, enjoy life. Material: Bag/Polyester fibre. Handle/ Polypropylene. Button / Polypropylene. Carrying capacity: 14.5L // 5kg (Max). Product measurement: Approx. 32×32cm(When fully opened). Approx. 6×8cm(When folded). Fully opened size may vary depends on the carrying content.