Soil Ninja

2.5L Premium Ficus Soil Mix


Product Details

Ficus is a large genus of plants that inhabits a lot of different environments. The species that we tend to cultivate in the home are either used to a semi-epiphytic habit or are totally terrestrial and that is what this mix perfectly caters to. Using a blend of: coco coir, perlite, bark, sand, zeolite, activated charcoal, worm castings. The marrying of activated charcoal and sand in this slightly denser mix provides excellent drainage whilst being detoxifying for the resilient yet troublesome roots of our beloved ficus. The sizable bark content in the blend also serves to suit those ficus species that are semi-epiphytic growers, as well as contributing to a little extra moisture retention to this sandy mix. But don’t use this blend just for ficus alone, though soil ninja name with a genus in mind there are plenty of other plants that will adore this blend as it is or with minor alteration. Some of the plants that will adore this mix include rubber plants, peperomia, bonsai, citrus plant, fiddle leaf fig, palm, avocado plants and even hibiscus. This ficus blend is a true mix of soil properties. The sand allows for a loose soil with plenty of drainage, whilst the high coco coir content and bark allow for a medium of moisture retention. The mix is incredible versatile in its ingredients and grade size in order to cater towards the variety of sizes of ficus plant collectors can own. Ultimately they want something that doesn’t become dense overtime as it can suffocate their roots. Therefore having coarse components as well as fine sand allows for long term stability in soil density. Bark adds a nice bonus to the semi-epiphytic types of ficus that like to cling onto bark and break it down slowly overtime with the microbes around their roots. Taller species of ficus such as rubber plants and fiddle-leaf figs will benefit from the bark too as it increases structural stability in the pot. This basically helps prevent the plant’s trunk from leaning to one side due to gravity as it grows. As with all of our premium mixes a population of positive bacteria, mycelium and microfauna is present in the substrate to create the potted ecosystem which keeps your plant healthy! Enough nutrients for the first 2 months of growth is also in every bag along with our specialist nutrient storage component, zeolite.