Sprouts of Bristol

Hoya Curtisii


Product Details

**Light** Thrives in bright, indirect light, and will benefit from a splash of morning or evening sun. Make sure it gets 1-2 hours of direct sunlight in autumn and winter, throughout its dormant period. **Water** Allow the top third of the soil to dry out between waters, and reduce watering in winter and in dimmer spots. Make sure you don't leave any water sitting in the foliage (or flowers) as this can cause damage. **Humidity** Used to a rainforest environment, this plant likes it humid; introduce a humidity tray if possible, and hose down the leaves regularly to keep them free of dust. If the leaves start to brown and curl, this is a sign that the air is too dry. **Soil** Use an anthurium mix and repot every three years in spring as the plant grows. If it's flowering, keep it pot-bound a little longer to prevent it getting shocked by the move and losing flowers. **Food** Feed every four waters throughout the year. To tailor your feeding even more, look for a Nitrogen-heavy fertiliser when the foliage needs to develop more, and to encourage flowers once it's mature look for one with higher Potassium (K) content, like tomato feed. **Temperature** Ideal temperature is between 15-30°C; make sure it does not get colder than 10°C in winter. **Pet-safe** Yes, but too much nibbling won't be good for pets, small humans or the plant! **Sprouts Top Tips** While this plant likes it humid, it does not like soggy soil- make sure not to over-water it. Keep an eye out for yellowing leaves, especially those closer to the soil, to spot this early and reduce the frequency of your waters before the roots are damaged.